Saturday, February 7, 2009

poker face.

i have a confession. I go to myspace and stalk all the gay people in the city i live in. I just want to see whats out there. Anyway, I was doing this when i came upon this guys page. He was nice looking, seemed to be a nice guy, and I was attracted to him. I awkwardly sent him a message telling him i ran upon his page and thought he was cute. He immediatly sent me a message back saying that he thought the same about me. We exchanged numbers and texted for a couple of days. He asked me to a movie with him and I of course said yes. Anyway, I got birdboy out of the house for the night and told him he could come over a little before the movie so we could visit. I was so nervous so I decided to treat myself to a few glasses of wine before he got here. We talked for about an hour and I was already wasted. We started making out and ended up hooking up and completly missed the movie. haha anyway in the heat of the moment he says, "will you be my boyfriend?" and "move in with me" and " it would be amazing to wake up to you ever morning"


i calmy explained to him that he was moving at the speed of light and i had only really known him for a couple of hours (i know we hooked up.). He apologized. Did I mention he is 33? I think i forgot to mention that. Anyway, the night ended with me sending a blank text (code for get me the fuck out of here) to slutgirl and her calling me and telling me she has just been in a wreck (lie) and I went to a party with her and got trashedwastedface. We are going to see the movie tonight. I am going to tell him to slow the fuck down. I shouldnt probably even be doing this but its fun to be wanted. 33? he looks young for his age. what does age have to do with anything anyway. I promise i dont have some wierd old man fetish. I cringed at even typing that. I guess we will just have to see what happens.

until next time.

1 comment:

dizzy observer said...

hey! 33 is not an old man! i only date older men and trust me, they're way better in bed than most 20 somethings. also, you should keep your wall up with this one. he sounds very creepy-psychotic. i would say it isnt a good idea to pick up random people from the internet, but what do i know? persianguy picked me up from myspace.