Sunday, February 15, 2009

close your eyes.

I havent blogged in awhile and I am terribly sorry for that (i like to think i was missed). I have been dying, quite literally actually. I have come down with some terrible awful viral infection. I really didnt think I was going to survive this thing. I have never been so sick in my life! I went to the doctor this last thursday and he had no clue what was wrong with me. They took a bunch of tests and we will know hopfully what has been going on tomorrow if the results get in. The good thing about getting sick is that there is no other way to go but up. Now that I am feeling better I am a lot more appreciative of life. I know that sounds awfully corny, but its true. When I was sick it was either the couch or the bathroom and the pain was awful. Now that I can leave the house and enjoy the day outside I realize that my life could be wayyyyy worse than I really think it is sometimes. It almost makes me feel untouchable, like I could jump off of my roof and fly. Post Secret Pictures, Images and Photos

How was everybodys valentines day? Mine was really good. I spent the day jumping from friends houses to friends houses. Birdboy asked if him and Megabitch (his gf) could have the house to themselves. I was really pissed off about the request but being the nice caring person I am I agreed. SO my vday was spent with the people I love the most. My bffs. Blondgirl and I went shopping and ate lunch together. Later in the day I went over to stonergirls house and we got incredibly stoned and played wii bowling, tennis, golf, and baseball for six hours straight. Then we busted out the rock band. I of course was lead vocals haha. I cant carry a tune to save my life but I am def a performer. We laughed and laughed until 5 am this morning.

I plan on finding a job tomorrow. I have been unemployeed since November 23rd and my grandparents are getting pretty pissed of at me. I am excited to have some money of my own and get to go out every once in a while. Not to mention getting a job will change my current lazy life. I love change. Anyway, I had some extra time today so I thought I would write a little something. Have a great week!


dizzy observer said...

I'm glad you're feeling better.

dizzy observer said...

where have you been? i feel like im missing a part of me when i dont know whats going on in your life.