Saturday, January 24, 2009

the blonder the better.

i am sitting here drunk right now. drunk and alone haha im an alcoholic apparently. anyway, i got drunk for a reason. a couple of weeks ago i dared into the online dating experience. i was nervous at first, but i knew that if it worked for some people it could work for me. i have exchanged lots of emails and chats but none really stood out for me. for the most part these guys were looking for a quick screw. like i have said before, thats not what i am looking for right now. anyway did meet a guy who seemed generally nice. I havent decided what to call him yet, but it turns out that we have a lot in common. I gave him my number and we have been texting a lot these last couple of days. about six today he told me he wanted to call me tonight. i freaked out, i have just a touch of anxiety disorder when it comes to meeting new people, much less a complete stranger from the internet that could possibly be the next mr. justaguy. wait, thats a lie i want my partners last name. haha anyway, he calls and we talk for a good twenty minutes. he is about to call me back and im actually really excited. i dont know why but he seems like a good match for me. but dont get your hopes up, dear reader. I will probably blog in about a week and say some bullshit like oh it just didnt work out. you should know the drill by now.

i had a guy tell me earlier this week that homosexuality was a mental disorder. he didnt know im gay. that was like a fucking knife going through my heart? who the fuck does he think he is. he is mentally ill for thinking that.

until next time.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Why do you take it personally?
I guess we grow up in different cultures. I hear that all the time and it has no effect on me whatsoever. Some people just don't know any better.